Ethical Code


Requirements of D. Lgs. 8 June 2001, n. 231

The 4Smile Srl, determined to ensure maximum correctness in all behaviours to protect its image and reputation, has chosen to comply with the requirements of D. Lgs. 8 June 2001, n. 231 (“Rules governing the administrative liability of legal persons, companies and associations, even if they do not have legal personality, pursuant to Article 11 of Law No. 300 of 29 September 2000)legislation that has introduced into the Italian legal system the administrative responsibility of the company upon the occurrence of a series of pre-defined criminal offences committed by persons who, within the company, have representative functions, administration or management, or persons under their direction or supervision.

The 4Smile Srl operates in the healthcare sector managing and organizing structures that provide services and/or services, medical and dental, prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Due to the nature of the services provided, the 4Smile Srl considered it necessary to adopt, both in internal relations and in relations with third parties, a set of behavioural rules aimed at spreading, at all business levels, sound ethical integrity and strong compliance with the law, on the assumption that a clear statement of the ethical principles that each of them is inspired by in the achievement of its business objectives, is of central importance for the proper performance of social activities, and constitutes a valid element of support of the model of organization, management and control that each is called to adopt pursuant to and for the purposes of the Decree. Having said this, the Code of Ethics has been approved by the administrative body of the company 4Smile Srl, which undertakes to ensure maximum dissemination and to monitor compliance.